Why looking after my energy is crucial to my overall wellness

When my energy is not in flow, the 4 dimensions of my entire body are affected and my overall state of wellness does not feel good.

Physically this is very often the last manifestation stage, whenever all other signs have been ignored or forgotten by me.

These are my main physical ailments that arise when my energy is blocked.

  • My lower back hurts

  • My hip gets stiff

  • My knee joints get swollen

Emotionally when my energy is not flowing.

  • I want to eat way too much crap - particularly sugar and carbs

  • I spend way too much time on social media

  • I can feel very sad

Mentally is not just about our heads, it is about how we are feeling. This is how my body reacts when I am not in flow.

  • I just cannot get going, I want to retreat into my cave.

  • The thought of going outside is too much

  • I become forgetful

Spiritually when I am not in flow

  • I find it really hard to connect, be still, and think clearly and sit in my space and my daily spiritual practice gets tougher to do

  • I start to think too logically, I push too hard or resist

  • I start believing everything that my ego is feeding me

Whilst you wonder why this may happen to someone who has a disciplined practice, I am only human and if I miss my practice because I am away or being lazy, or if I ignore signs or my intuition, this is when my energy gets blocked.

Ultimately it starts with how I am feeling and taking care of myself, but yes of-course situations, other people and circumstances can hugely affect my energy and overall wellness. But if we are looking after ourselves first and paying attention to our energy and are self-aware we can control these darker, lower vibration energies, watch out for the triggers and make a shift in how we feel sooner rather than alter.

Spending just 10 mins a day could hugely help you and if you would like to find out more about some what your energy feels like to you and how you can work with looking after it everyday I am co-hosting that is all about looking after our energy - Awakening your Power . If this sounds like something you are interested in improving in your life please contact me below, I would love to hear from you.


When my energy IS flowing this is how I feel


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