When my energy IS flowing this is how I feel

When my energy IS flowing, this is how I feel in the 4 dimensions of my body.


  • I’m moving every-day for exercise and walk everywhere I can get to

  •  I dance there nothing more than I love than a dance with my earphones in because I live in an apartment and put on some of my favourite tunes and dance around the place


  • I’m eating really well, lots of plant based foods and drinking lots of water

  • I’m connected to my inner child not afraid to show off the fun side of me the empathetic side that connects with people of all ages from 2 years old to 80 I am able to relate to people of all ages

  • I laugh for anybody who knows me I have a loud laugh one you can hear a long way away, when I laugh with that authenticity everybody around me knows that I really really mean it and that when I know I really really mean it I’ll tell you a little bit about my laughter yoga experience in India some other time


  • My resilience comes naturally because of all the practice I do very day

  • If somebody judges me or I hear something that perhaps I don’t agree with or that somebody didn’t agree with me I am able to see it from their point of view and not take it personally and learn from it

  • The belief that I have in me and what I’m doing, empowers everything that I do


  • My practice flows with pure ease, there’s no forcing anything to happen I am trusting in the process that everything is connected and everything is coming into alignment

  • My intuition is on point there’s no shouting happening all I have to do is feel the energy and listen to the whispers and I am trusting in my gut instincts

  • I know when to move forward and I know when to stay where I am

Spending just 10 mins a day could hugely help you and if you would like to find out more about some what your energy feels like to you and how you can work with looking after it everyday I am co-hosting that is all about looking after our energy – Awakening your Power . If this sounds like something you are interested in improving in your life please contact me below, I would love to hear from you. 


My Reiki Journey


Why looking after my energy is crucial to my overall wellness