About Ciara
Ciara is a Master Energy Healer, Celtic Shamanic Therapist and Counsellor; and modern day Healing Priestess. She helps support you and help you to embrace your healing journey and spiritual path, based in the orchards of Co.Armagh, N.Ireland.
The healing energies I work with are all connected, divinely in communion with all of life and nature, source energy.
Hi, I am Ciara McHugh and I am devoted to the healing journey and the spiritual path.
I am a heart-centred Healer, Coach, Mentor and Teacher that invites clients to work with me that are ready to bring their whole self – light and shadow into space. I am a facilitator for your healing and space holder of the energies. I am based in Co.Armagh, N.Ireland. I live in the land of my childhood, called home by the guardians of the land and my ancestors who lived there, I am hononr them. My healing work embodies all that I have been working on for many years and the work I do on myself. I am a wounded Healer (another meaning for the word Shaman) and I have used my own experiences to turn them into wisdom, that helps me to help you. I am a fully qualified, certified, eternal student that offers you a safe environment to be open, truthful and honest about how you are really feeling, what you are yearning to heal and what your soul is really yearning for.
It is through my own experiences and soul wisdom that I empathise with suffering and pain, trauma and grief, shock and betrayal, abandonment and injustice. It was through the experience of my own dark night of the soul that I was finally able to become the out and proud Healing Priestess that I am today.
After realising that my core soul values were not aligned with my life a deconstructing took place, some of that was highly unpleasant, traumatic and life-changing but I was able to surrender and allow the unfolding through spiritual support, practice, ritual and healers (and great friends who kept with me and family).
In the grief there was love and I was able to see it and feel it. Whilst this experience was deeply hard at times I was able to experience light and the joy that conscious connection to Source, Spirit and nature brings. This sacredly divine sense of knowing has continued with me and held me in my own own spiritual journey and life. The learning taught me so much of why I am able to be who I am today.
I now live by my core soul values and with healthy boundaries and am the creator of my destiny. I look after my energy spiritually so that my body feels physically well, my mental mind is healthier, my emotional well-being is supported and I am able to honour how I feel with love. This all helps to keep anxiety and stress clear from my body. And all of this is a constant work in progress!
And why I can relate and understand with how you are feeling. You do not have to do this alone.
The healing I offer is embodied in all I have learned, experienced, remembered and know to be true. Healing is a co-creating energy that requires your presence, devotion and commitment and I hold this healing space with you.
The healing I ask you to step into not passive.
This is so important when working with me. I invite you to be your own Healer whilst facilitating the powerful healing therapies that help you heal safely, protected and that bring the transformation needed. I invite complete openness and full transparency of your life to help bring the freedom of heavy, lower, dense vibrational energies that are not for your highest good or that are keeping you stuck of feeling unwell physically, mentally and emotionally.
It is often the reason why someone is called to work with me because they know they are safely held, protected and ready to make the changes. I work with the energetic body.
Together we work to heal your wounds, traumas, stresses that brings about authentic, lasting healing for your overall wellness. Stress, anxiety, grief, trauma, pain, illness etc all effect how you are feeling - heart, body, mind and soul.
Energetically we work together to heal the wounds, traumas, and stresses and what has effected how you are feeling – physically, emotionally, mentally. Nothing is separate and at the deepest level of all dis-ease, dis-harmony, dis-comfort, in whatever form, is the energy that is creating this.
We work together to heal this and transform your life so that you can feel free from what is making you feel unwell, stuck, stressed, in an unhealthy pattern, depressed, afraid of love, unworthy, controlled and many other ways of describing how you are feeling.
Together we cleanse and create space for all in your life that you authentically desire and hope for, that which makes you feel calmer, happier, more creative, peaceful, lighter, free and able to move forward with flow, will, harmony and balance.
Together we call the missing parts of you back home.
Moving forward, I hold space for your harmony and balance to continue. There is no destination and together we help to reveal and weave practices, prayer and tools etc into our life that you can use daily/regularly or when you know you need to call them into help you.
A bit more information
I am Virgo Sun, Scorpio Rising, Taurus Moon. I was born a Healer, it was written in my birth chart, I took a detour around my teens for a while, but I am here now.
My university degree is a BA Honours in Textile design. I went on to work as a Senior Buyer in the fashion industry for 18 years before I became a full time Healer and Coach.
One of my happiest places to be is at a live music gig, surrounded by loud energising music – in a field is generally my favourite place or the Olympia Theatre in Dublin. It helps my husband works in the music industry. I also love singing in a community choir and we do our own gigs!
I love baking. I’m a feeder, I love watching the delight on people’s faces once they savour the taste sensations.
Gardening is my hobby. If I could live in the garden I would. Like everything I am learning! Being outside in nature and looking after Mother Earth is part of my spiritual life and helps me witness the cycles and seasons.
I created Grateful Friday to encourage positivity and happiness in an ex work place. And it has grown in to a wonderful weekly practice for so many people all over the world.
I am a huge Harry Potter fan, and love everything about it. My prayer book is a Slytherin notepad.
Irish Celtic Shamanic Healing Therapist with Slí an Chroí ~ Medicine Spiral and Healing Spiral
Shamanic Counsellor with The Irish Centre of Shamanic Studies
Angelic Healer – Advanced Certified Angelic Teacher and Practitioner, including the energies Goddesses, Ascended Masters, Guides, Diploma in Angelic Healing, Angelic Reiki Practitioner Master Teacher;Kyle Gray Certified Angel Practitioner
Reiki Master and Teacher, Usui and Tera Mei Lineage
Seichem Master and Teacher and psychic surgery
Rahanni Celestial Healing Practitioner & Teacher - www.RahanniCelestialHealing.co.uk
Diploma in Life & Executive Coaching and Level 6 QQI Award Positive Success Group
Crystal Healing Therapist, Diploma in Crystal Healing and a Kyle Gray Certified Crystal Energy Guide accredited by the Complementary Medical Association
Magnified Healing Practitioner
Positive Neuroplasticity Practitioner trained with Dr. Rick Hanson
Intuitive card readings – Angels, Oracle and Tarot and a Kyle Gray Certified Angel Card Mastery Guide
Meditation practices, Meditation Diploma
Stress Management
Goddess energies as well as healing teams & guides
Red Tent Moon Facilitator
18years in the Fashion Industry in a Managerial Buying role
BA Hons in Textile Design – Heriot-Watt University
My healing space and therapy room is in Co.Armagh, N.Ireland
I welcome people into my healing space of all genders, sex, backgrounds, and faiths who are aligned with spiritual growth and personal freedom for their highest good and the highest good of all. I welcome and honour freedom of choice. My work is spiritual and non-denominational.