Spiritual Mindfulness Meditations


These are powerful self-healing guided meditations to bring you into the present moment focusing on mindfulness with an intention of turning inwards to create mental and emotional space to receive nourishment and heart-centredness that will naturally attract an inspired flow of spiritual energy for your overall wellbeing.

These meditation is one for the collective now. It is much needed with busy lifestyles; the constant distractions of our phones and social media; as well as TV’s; and work on our laptops. These are for you if want to be guided into mindfulness of body, mind and energy held by the energy of nature and angels. These can help to hold you in a space of mindfulness as well encouraging healthier habits and patterns to help you slow down, be still and in the present moment.

How much clarity, focus and ability to be in the present moment is effected by your limiting habits or healthy choices due to the above. Our ancient brains and expansive hearts are trying to hold us but unless we create a space for mindfulness (perhaps many times a day) you will continue to struggle.

 You are held by your own energy, the elements and angels to help you. This is the difference between this and regular mindfulness, whilst you can be present in your own energy due to energies you may have picked up, here you receive help with nature and its beings to support you, subtly and powerfully to help your overall well-being mentally, emotionally and spiritually. If you are holding energy in your body and unable to settle if may be that you need help to clear it with an understanding of where it is being held in the body and why which can help the healing.

 This is for you if …

-       You want to come into the present moment

-       You are being easily, overwhelmingly distracted by social media and its scrolling

-       You want to slow down and come into stillness, and are finding it hard to do both

-       When you slow down or be still your anxieties, fears, stresses and worries amplify in feeling and you need help to manage them and feel safe doing so

-       You have a lack of focus and are experience over-thinking

-       You are practicing being heart-centred

-       You have a fear of silence or being in own thoughts


In any moment, you can choose to be mindful.

This includes:

·      MP3 Self-healing Guided Healing Meditation ( 3 mins ) Heaven, Heart, Earth connection.

·      MP3 Self-healing Guided Healing Meditation ( 8 mins ) Relaxing Mindfulness Meditation supported by your Higher Self, Monad and Angels

·      MP3 Self-healing Guided Healing Meditation ( 21 mins ) with the elements of nature earth, air, fire, air and water; and with Archangels Gabriel, Uriel, Raphael, Michael, Zadkiel, Metatron, Sandalphon and Mother Earth.

 Note - there is no music on any of these meditations to support the nature of this practice.

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These are powerful self-healing guided meditations to bring you into the present moment focusing on mindfulness with an intention of turning inwards to create mental and emotional space to receive nourishment and heart-centredness that will naturally attract an inspired flow of spiritual energy for your overall wellbeing.

These meditation is one for the collective now. It is much needed with busy lifestyles; the constant distractions of our phones and social media; as well as TV’s; and work on our laptops. These are for you if want to be guided into mindfulness of body, mind and energy held by the energy of nature and angels. These can help to hold you in a space of mindfulness as well encouraging healthier habits and patterns to help you slow down, be still and in the present moment.

How much clarity, focus and ability to be in the present moment is effected by your limiting habits or healthy choices due to the above. Our ancient brains and expansive hearts are trying to hold us but unless we create a space for mindfulness (perhaps many times a day) you will continue to struggle.

 You are held by your own energy, the elements and angels to help you. This is the difference between this and regular mindfulness, whilst you can be present in your own energy due to energies you may have picked up, here you receive help with nature and its beings to support you, subtly and powerfully to help your overall well-being mentally, emotionally and spiritually. If you are holding energy in your body and unable to settle if may be that you need help to clear it with an understanding of where it is being held in the body and why which can help the healing.

 This is for you if …

-       You want to come into the present moment

-       You are being easily, overwhelmingly distracted by social media and its scrolling

-       You want to slow down and come into stillness, and are finding it hard to do both

-       When you slow down or be still your anxieties, fears, stresses and worries amplify in feeling and you need help to manage them and feel safe doing so

-       You have a lack of focus and are experience over-thinking

-       You are practicing being heart-centred

-       You have a fear of silence or being in own thoughts


In any moment, you can choose to be mindful.

This includes:

·      MP3 Self-healing Guided Healing Meditation ( 3 mins ) Heaven, Heart, Earth connection.

·      MP3 Self-healing Guided Healing Meditation ( 8 mins ) Relaxing Mindfulness Meditation supported by your Higher Self, Monad and Angels

·      MP3 Self-healing Guided Healing Meditation ( 21 mins ) with the elements of nature earth, air, fire, air and water; and with Archangels Gabriel, Uriel, Raphael, Michael, Zadkiel, Metatron, Sandalphon and Mother Earth.

 Note - there is no music on any of these meditations to support the nature of this practice.

These are powerful self-healing guided meditations to bring you into the present moment focusing on mindfulness with an intention of turning inwards to create mental and emotional space to receive nourishment and heart-centredness that will naturally attract an inspired flow of spiritual energy for your overall wellbeing.

These meditation is one for the collective now. It is much needed with busy lifestyles; the constant distractions of our phones and social media; as well as TV’s; and work on our laptops. These are for you if want to be guided into mindfulness of body, mind and energy held by the energy of nature and angels. These can help to hold you in a space of mindfulness as well encouraging healthier habits and patterns to help you slow down, be still and in the present moment.

How much clarity, focus and ability to be in the present moment is effected by your limiting habits or healthy choices due to the above. Our ancient brains and expansive hearts are trying to hold us but unless we create a space for mindfulness (perhaps many times a day) you will continue to struggle.

 You are held by your own energy, the elements and angels to help you. This is the difference between this and regular mindfulness, whilst you can be present in your own energy due to energies you may have picked up, here you receive help with nature and its beings to support you, subtly and powerfully to help your overall well-being mentally, emotionally and spiritually. If you are holding energy in your body and unable to settle if may be that you need help to clear it with an understanding of where it is being held in the body and why which can help the healing.

 This is for you if …

-       You want to come into the present moment

-       You are being easily, overwhelmingly distracted by social media and its scrolling

-       You want to slow down and come into stillness, and are finding it hard to do both

-       When you slow down or be still your anxieties, fears, stresses and worries amplify in feeling and you need help to manage them and feel safe doing so

-       You have a lack of focus and are experience over-thinking

-       You are practicing being heart-centred

-       You have a fear of silence or being in own thoughts


In any moment, you can choose to be mindful.

This includes:

·      MP3 Self-healing Guided Healing Meditation ( 3 mins ) Heaven, Heart, Earth connection.

·      MP3 Self-healing Guided Healing Meditation ( 8 mins ) Relaxing Mindfulness Meditation supported by your Higher Self, Monad and Angels

·      MP3 Self-healing Guided Healing Meditation ( 21 mins ) with the elements of nature earth, air, fire, air and water; and with Archangels Gabriel, Uriel, Raphael, Michael, Zadkiel, Metatron, Sandalphon and Mother Earth.

 Note - there is no music on any of these meditations to support the nature of this practice.