Why I practice ‘Spiritual Mindfulness’

This blog isn’t a secret as such I’m just not sure I have ever shared this with you before.

With hindsight, when my dark night of the soul was ending and transforming into a new way of living and being for me I went on a 8 week mindfulness for stress course (that ended up being 10weeks). I loved it the group was beyond supportive, I had the best facilitator Helen Byrne but it confirmed for me that my route would be a spiritual one that included angels and the energy of the above and below. I’ll tell you why below but …

In case you don’t know anything about me I lived through a dark night of the soul about 7 - 8 years ago where my whole world felt like it flipped me upside down, tore my insides apart, dissolved my life as I knew it and awoke me to the reality of my truths. It was excruciating cleansing yet thankfully I held on to the trusting in what was happening throughout the ego-death. Thankfully I’m alive (🤣) and well enough now to tell you about it and offer you support because many of you have, are and will also experience this.

So, I shall continue - I had many one day / half Mindfulness experiences that began with Frank Liddy in Benburb Priory when my friend, another Ciara asked me to go along. There was a need to be more still and present. I worked a busy and stressful job, traveled the world and although mainly loved it the reality that my love affair with the fashion world was ending and it had been all a part of my soul revealing to me the truth that my life was not in alignment and I was going to have supportive practices to help me. I continued half days at The Sanctuary which were lovely (and some were very silent which was class).

Frank answered about not having time to meditate. His was response was to meditate more!

I had learnt Reiki and Angelic healing modalities but ‘mindfulness’ was a buzz word and having liked my previous experiences and still feeling stress because my nervous system was exhausted and shaken I wanted to give it a go. Helen interviewed me for the course and wondered why I wanted to do it when I had other supportive practices but at the time I was still deeply healing and (like so my many I know do) was willing to give EVERYTHING a go to help me soothe, feel safe and relax in my body. I gave it a go loved each week and there were some really supportive practices but throughout the weeks I realised that the strength I was getting from the Angelic realms and universal life force energy was exactly what I needed and no matter how subtle that felt it was definitely my choice of well-being practice.

There were however, so many pointers and learnings I have carried with me and I practice moments and spaces of mindfulness often without calling in my angels (even though I’m never alone because I call them in every morning) but my point being is that I understand and feel the benefits of mindfulness. Whether it’s standing into space with my hot cup of rooibos tea or drying my hair with no distractions, to cooking with no tv or music to feeling my feet on the earth as I walk, it’s woven into my daily life consciously and unconsciously now because I have practiced it consciously. These are moments of nourishment and freedom that are needed and I feel what so many of you need now.

Many people I meet and speak to no longer quiet spaces with their phone attached to them and it’s concerning. Your energy, mind, brain, body needs mindfulness, your ancient brain need silent spaces to help process things and balance and harmony cannot be achieved without more present moment awareness (not including sleep time that may also be effected by lack of mindfulness in the day).

So, if like me you are aware of this then why not try out my meditations below. They are similar to what I practice daily and I’m so grateful my experiences can help me help you.

Below is a 3 minute taster and if you would like some more you buy 3 different Spiritual Mindfulness Meditations to support you in my shop. Like all my recordings they are MP3 recordings so you download and save and you don’t need to connect to internet everytime to use.


Free: Grounding Practice Guided Healing Meditation