The Northern Lights & Daddy

On Friday 10th May 2024, the Northern Lights came to Ardress (my home townland and ancestors), and all of the country dreams were made for so many as we gasped in awe and wonder at the high vibrational light show and energy, full of Angels and upgrading frequencies.

When I was a young child we stood outside the back of Core Farm, my Granma’s house then, where my daddy was born and as we looked into the vista he told us that when he was younger he would often see the Northern Lights due to no light pollution. I had no idea what he meant. As we lived in Northern Ireland I thought he meant the ‘Northern Ireland Lights’ whatever they were (hehe). I had forgotten about this story until much later on in life when obviously seeing the lights became a thing. Then I got what he meant and it wasn’t anything to do with a local only natural wonder.

In December 2017 I travelled to Iceland with Pete, my soon to be husband, for the most brilliant and fun holiday but after 2 nights spent looking for the Northern Lights, they were not to be seen there. It did not ruin what was one of my best experiences yet. Little did I know then it was because where I was meant to see them was in the Ardress just as Daddy had seen them when he was younger. It was what perfection felt to me.

Ardress was the perfect place to see them. On Friday night at about 10:30pm I went outside and could see ‘different’ shadows in the sky and knew that was the start of them (my sister had told me that day we were in for a good chance of seeing them). I went to bed but felt I needed a clearance and protection. In the middle of listening to an Archangel Michael psychic energy healing meditation I got a text. I did not answer because I knew it was a family member because I put my phone into focus after 9pm but left the curiosity as to why someone was texting late for our family. After the meditation I sat up and opened this picture from my sister.

I ran out my room, screaming with excitement at my husband to get outside now and I looked up and I saw it (I’m crying with the ecstatic feeling I got) jumping up and down and in total awe at what we were seeing and feeling.

It was clear the spectrum colours were vibrant yet as many say with a cloudy haze over them. I was also starting to shiver with the cold so I went in for my dressing gown after about 15mins and grabbed my phone because somewhere in the back of my head I must have heard that looking through a lens of a camera also helped to see the vibrancy - also no filter needed!

At that stage it was like one gigantic angel was streaming the most powerful light rays over the universe. It was simply breathtaking. The lights danced through the sky as more Angels moved with the energy.

This experience lasted 3 hours. There was changes in the shapes and lights and movement of the lights but it was extraordinary and yet we felt a part of the expansive universe and sky, we were part of it all. That time flew by and only that I was getting up to go to the Hill of Uisneach the next morning or I think I’d have stayed out because they were still there when I went to bed about 1:30pm. The lights stayed in my third eye all night and the image I woke too before opening my 2 physical eyes in like the picture in my post.

Angels and 7th - 12th frequencies I felt were pouring down upon us - the Pink Ray and so many of its Angels, Archangel Raphael and the Emerald Ray, Archangel Zadkiel and the Violet Lilac Ray, Archangel Michael and the Blue Ray. All supported with a blanket of stars and move very slow moving falling stars.

Whilst I often cry with happiness, with this entire experience, my heart was bursting with joy and love for what I was experiencing, tears didn’t come because I could not stop smiling from my heart I felt so alive (and at midnight trust me that is not something anyone would say about me an non-night owl).

Everytime I consciously remember it, the energy is felt in my heart chakra and its like the energy enlightens me all over again. It’s like a magic potion overcomes me with the higher energy feelings of joy and love and peace, and once again I remember that I am part of it all, and I have that expereince in my heart memory forever.

I was aware that many people I knew were also up and experiencing it so the sense of sharing with so many people I love and care for was extra special. First thing in the morning my sister facetimed me with her 6year old daughter who she awoke and took out of bed to experience them and we were still oohing and aahing together at it. Meeting people at Uisneach and sharing our stories was like the biggest connection of the magical night so many of us shared.

The geomagnetic storm and expediential solar flares ☀️ is why this is happening 🪐

As beings of light with energy fields and electromagnetic bodies it’s why we’re affected by this natural brilliance. The magnetic field has become unstable in areas and thinned and more porous; and the earth is moving through the photon belt and why light is moving through and we’re receiving 💫 high frequency 💫 energy because of it 🙌🏼 And why many of us are effected. Dreams were definitely made last night. I dreamt all night with a happy heart 💓 thankfully 😥 but my body heat has been crazy hot 🥵 the few nights before which is now explained due to the solar flares.

See my Instagram post with more photos here 🩷❤️🧡💛💚💙💜

But here are a few more here … (no filter)

🪐Venus energy is lighting up the sky. The Goddess of the Rainbow. 🌈 And why they are names Aurora after her as the Goddess Ishtar. Adding to the energy this year that Love is needed to conquer fear.

🌈 The rainbow of colours representing the bridge between the worlds. Many see this as the new age coming and these colours in our skies will continue and when the lights reach the equator we will have shifted into a new (5th) dimension, the New Age of Aquarius. The more light that comes the more we will need to heal our darkness, shadow with the light. This is part of the work of each individual moving into the new age, there’s no bypassing to get there!

So with that in mind it may be that if you missed them you will have a chance again some day to see them. Let’s hope.

Oh and ps I like many visited Iceland before and did not see them there but in no way did it not make that trip one of my favourite ever. So do visit it’s truly special full of unique experiences.

Before I entered the house again on Friday I raised my heart cente and arms up to Father Sky and gave thanks, and to the Aurora Borealis, Mother Earth, the stars, Angels, Light Rays, and the universe for all we received. Again, thank you, thank you, thank you for I am bursting with this energy.


Free: Archangel Michael Blue Shield of Protection


5D Consciousness