5D Consciousness

It’s your choice and free will to choose. To move into 5D Consciousness or remain stuck in the 3D matrix or change and evolve.

2024 is a pivotal year for this change, the Jupiter Uranus Conjunction being auspicious in the evolution of our move into 5D.

So, if you already embracing or want to know more about what 5D Consciousness means read below … (but remember this is supported by your spiritual practices, choices, and grounded actions to move into 5D, it’s beautiful, why would you not?!)

Are you ready to see? If so that means the Angels and the shadow, but know that this is to heal.

The thing is, you are a human being with a soul living on earth at this time, even if you don’t believe in anything spiritual, we know with physics and astronomy and the study of the earth and solar systems that solar flares are pouring on to our planet, the electro-magnetic field has changed and we are all receiving more light. So, if you do feel it; you’re awakening; or you know you can’t resist anymore (because that probably feels very hard on your energy) then it’s time to step into your sovereignty and do the work to experience the inner shifts and feel, see and embody the fifth dimensional energies because they do feel good!

As the disruption and corruption get louder and even more dramatic, to fight against equality for all and the good of all, you must anchor in the Light or you just may get caught up in it all. Be conscious. Choose to be conscious. Heal. Step out of victimhood. Wake up. Allow truths to be revealed. Let die what is holding you back. Get real and devoted about how you show up spiritually daily.

5D Consciousness is living in the Fifth Dimension . A Fifth Dimensional reality will be created through a choice to live in and with harmony, sharing, caring, radiance, peace, freedom, for the good of all sentient beings, working with nature, creativity from a place of love. We have a choice to walk through to this dream of a heart-centred reality by not being pulled back into ego & old limiting ways. So, PUT YOUR ENERGY INTO HOW YOU WANT TO FEEL. Heart Consciousness is the wisdom of living through our heart-centre, intuitively knowing that All is One. It is a collective agreement to live at a heart-centred consciousness rather than ego.

A Heart Centred reality is created with Fifth Dimensional vibration and frequency and this is the energy of Divine Love. Light will flood our planet to help us to get there and live in this frequency. In this reality, there is no separation, unhealthy boundaries, passports. Everyone will feel welcome and treated equally. The higher frequencies of light will develop our crystalline bodies. Spiritual practices, tool and ways will expand and become welcomed and accepted. This is a choice to live in love, for all, no ego attached. This is a new golden blueprint for humanity that includes the upgrading of our bodies, chakras and fields. By 2032, we will have entered the new Golden Age and the spiritual energy of the planet will be so high that choices will be made for the highest good of all, and will happen by attunement to the Divine.

 Living in the Fifth Dimension

-        will look like ‘US’ not them, ‘We’ not I

-        seeing and sensing energy, aura and fields

-        do things for the highest good of all; grass roots up no longer top down

-        hearts open and centred choices

-        work to live not live to work ~ balance and fun time, laughter, joy

-        choosing to be around high frequency people

-        live surrounding yourself in fifth dimensional energy and light

-        emanate fifth dimensional energy and light

-        live with an abundance consciousness

-        path of self-mastery

-        working with your all energy bodies not just your physical, your 5D Chakras

-        be at one with nature

-        walk with your guides, angels, the ascended masters, power animals and the spirit world

-        be guided and in deep communion with the Divine, Source, Sprit, Life force, your connection to God

-        Eat Drink Pray

-        Know you are soul in a body and live like that

-        Living with pure intention, engaging in every moment, grounded

-        You know that All is One

This is a HIGHER FREQUENCY of light and has been prophesied for years and this Golden Age is upon us. Now is a call to heal to help you step through.

You may want to join in my 5D Consciousness Healing Meditations and feel

more supported in a like-minded community of people

The ego does not want you to heal, until, you fill it with so much higher frequency light that it has no other choice. The desire for safety or to hide from how you really feel comes from the wounded aspect wanting to stay safely hidden in the familiar shadow, even if that doesn’t feel good. To heal we need to move the shadow and take action through our courageous hearts. Safety in the dark is just an illusion. We need to connect with and encourage ourselves with what brings us joy and vitality. THAT energy current is what’s real and healing.

When you’re on the path to intentional awakening, the ego-mind can get really tricky. As we’re diligently trying to inch closer to enlightenment, the small self will tell us that we’re not enlightened enough.

WE have a personal choice on how to respond to the now, not bypass, and how to embody it - LOVE or fear. For the energy you hold spreads to others.

This is a time to GROUND, be still, be in the present as much as you can and get into nature and allow all your six senses to receive and perceive the goodness of what is around you for your well-being.


The Northern Lights & Daddy


Jupiter Uranus Conjunction in Taurus ...