Ciara McHugh | Healer & Coach

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Free: Archangel Michael Cleanse and Protection Guided Healing Meditation

My morning practice, and daily connection with Archangel Michael is one of my oldest practices. There's lots out there that lets you know, that how you spend your waking 30-60mins, sets you up for the rest of the day and how you respond or react to it. The hardest thing, can be to not reach for your phone and start flicking through it, turn on the tv and radio.

How I start my day, takes no more than 20mins but I do other practices throughout the day. That works with my lifestyle now, around personal and work life. It really depends on how I can make it work around my schedule and life.

I’m waking earlier and earlier at the moment. The temptation is high, to go and the switch the tv on to hear the latest events, and turn my phone on to social. It’s hard not to wake up and have thoughts of what is happening collectively around the world right now. However I’ve done a Ciara on myself! And told myself to wise up. (*wise up is a Northern Irish saying to catch yourself on/bring into awareness what you need to address). I was breaking away from what I know for sure works for me and falling into what are bad habits for me. That just does not work for me. In fact, if I give into my bad habits, before my morning practice, it takes me more time and effort to tune into my energy and clear what I have then let in with any lower vibes and fear based news and worry. 

My Morning Practice

Once I do my morning practice, which takes 20-25mins, I can then sit down and enjoy my delicious hot coffee, flick through my social accounts, because I just love doing that. On a side note, I delete/block any accounts that annoy/irritate/promote fear, or bore me. So I find these an enjoyable, positive time connecting in with my social community on line.

My meditation practice varies. I also do some more throughout the day and other practices. It’s important to note that I do these as additional because I am working professionally with other peoples energy throughout the day which means there is a need for this to ensure I keep myself clear and in the vibrations of pure love and light.

The main things I try and avoid in first 20-30mins of waking is checking social, reading any mails. listening/watching the news. However I do a quick scan to check if there are any urgent texts - I also note any missed calls - but I guess if anything was urgent, there’’d be a call. This has never been the case!

My Morning practice involves:

  • Call in my Healing Team

  • Daily protection

  • Prayer

  • Connection to my altars

  • Breath in light and my connection to source 

  • Meditation

  • Pull a Card from Oracle deck 

Why cleanse and protect yourself?

  • to clear any lower vibrations and negative energies

  • so you're not wrapping yourself in more negativity

  • protect yourself for the day

  • Call in help, support and guidance through the day, remember you are not alone so you don't need to do it alone!

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Archangel Michael Cleansing And Protection Guided Healing Meditation Ciara McHugh