Grateful Friday

Grateful Friday is the time of the week, that I given to give gratitude to our weeks achievements.

We all spend so much of our lives working. Why not appreciate what we do more? Being grateful on a Friday will help you leave work with happy thoughts about what you achieved that week, so that you walk out the door with more enthusiasm, optimism and appreciation.

It makes you feel like you've made a real difference that week.

Whether you think you need to or not, why not try it!I advise that the practice happens every Friday afternoon, about an hour before everyone goes home (from experience it’s a great time). Arrange this with your colleagues no matter how big or small your team or do it yourself.

It doesn’t matter if you do not work Monday – Friday. It's a great habit to start.

What to you need to do?

  • “Say 3 things you want to give gratitude for”

  • They all need to be work related. That’s the other important part! This is about concentrating on the time you have spent in work.

Some things to think about:

How has the week been in work for you?

  • Have you been working on other projects?

  • Who are you grateful for?

  • What have you achieved?

Gratitude is an attitude and I believe a behaviour that you can take responsibility for.

Here are some more benefits and positive side effects of how gratitude can help you in work:

  • Recognising your accomplishments can help you gain confidence

  • It can help you increase your productivity and energy levels

  • It can help your ability to make decisions especially when expressed by managers and colleagues

  • It helps you to recognise your goal achievements

  • Never let one slip by you without giving gratitude

  • It can make you a more effective manager, increases your team’s productivity and creativity and yes, no surprise they’ll respect you more and you’ll all have more fun

  • It can increase how happy and positive you feel

  • Sharing gratitude for your work mates makes them feel appreciated if you’ve forgotten to say it during the week

  • It makes the final hour on a Friday more fun!

  • It helps you deal with challenges and busier timesLet me tell you the secret.

If you are expressing gratitude you are receiving it. It’s all positive energy.

This is a fantastic practice to keep to help you do that and when you are sharing it with others the positive energy spreads!

Remember there is always something to give gratitude for.

Love & light

Ciara x


How I became a Healer & Life Coach


Positivity - how I work on it everday