Alcohol + Ciara = Low Energy, Unenthusiastic Ciara

I love alcohol.

Gin, bubbles, cider, quality vodka and wine but they don't love me - in large doses. Alcohol + Ciara = Low Energy, unenthusiastic Ciara, and that is not a great combination. When I was younger I binged on alcohol. At the time I thought I was doing it to fit in, where as I know now alcohol was giving me a false sense of confidence and how to be happy. I'm sure this is the case for a lot of young adults or even teenagers today who are drinking alcohol, oh and adults. I know this about myself and generally speaking I now only drink 1-3 drinks a weekend compared to over the recommended weekly amount for women. In fairness this did decrease gradually over the years but when I started healing I knew that the drinking had to stop.

Drinking alcohol means…

I don't sleep well, therefore I am tireder the next day because I have woken up in the middle of the night and slept for on average 2-3 hours less than I normally would. I also have no energy, I do not want to get out of bed and trying to have a conversation with me is like talking to a wall, a dull one at that. If you were to ask me my own name I would take about 3 mins to answer you after looking at you with a dead expression and no enthusiasm. Those are the general characteristics of how I feel for the day. The symptoms normally last for up to 3 days, thankfully they do get better each day. It actually feels like a death eater has come and sucks life out of my soul but return it to me again slowly.

Over time I have learnt to enjoy one good quality drink as much as the 3 that would have been the norm before. Don't get me wrong I wasn't a frequent drinker (by that I mean everyday) but I looked forward to Thursday-Sunday nights drinks.

The moral of the story is I choose not to feel like that. I simply do not want to feel down in the dumps, crap about myself, moody or grumpy and over sensitive about myself and what others say to me. There is also the huge reason that as a healer I simply cannot do it. It lowers my vibrations and as a recent trip away proved, it takes me to a place far way from being grounded and happy. I'd blame age but that's another factor that I really don't think matters. I know people who don't get hangovers, can you believe it? I'd say I hate them but I don't, I'm just jealous. I have no doubt that it adds to stress and anxiety also, a lack of discipline and general lack of overall well-being.

Does this sound familiar to anyone?

And I don't mean my friends or family raising their hands at the opportunity 😘 to confirm! Do you have any of these side effects from drinking alcohol? Would you like to take back control? Because you absolutely can. It requires discipline, determination and a lot of doing the other things you were not doing before you were hanging out in bars, pubs, the fridge cooling the drinks. It's all good. And do not get me wrong I will still go to those places I just don't do it as much.

Does it bother me?

Yes. I love to have a few drinks but 3 always gives me a hangover so I choose (generally speaking) what and when I drink to enable a better tomorrow and the day after that. I am no pioneer and do not claim to not drink especially with my job, if you see me at a bar mines a 🍸Gin Mare and tonic thank you very much 😘.

Actually most gins will do the job but I love the ones that weren’t around 20 years ago, I think you get me😉I love an enjoyable relaxing drink and it helps me unwind and I love each and every sip I take.  However, to stay grounded, nourished, protected and keep my energy system as clear as possible staying away from alcohol is necessary for me spiritually, emotionally, mentally and physically. It's how I can let the healing happen for me and it's how I help to stay clear for others.

This is not an advert to stop drinking.

This is my own personal experience and thought others might feel the same so maybe this could help you too. It's ok to drink moderately, have a fun night out and don't put yourself down any further than what a hangover will do all by itself! Remember the effects and that the fear is exactly that only fear, it's not reality!And now why do I want a drink after writing this - seriously 🙄Love & lightCiara x 💫


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