(including Reiki & Psychic Surgery)
The true nature of Seichem is…
total oneness, harmony, peace and unification. It is this enlightened state of consciousness, health and well being in which we are seeking in life. The energy meets you where you are to aid your consciousness. Seichem connects you with your Higher Self to establish healing in the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies. The energy is used to heal and stimulate personal development and growth.
What is Seichem?
Seichem (pronounced say-keem) works in the same way as Reiki, with hands placed on the body, but in addition hands may be working in the aura which surrounds the body. It is a reputedly healing wisdom practised in ancient Egypt and means ‘power or might’. It is also the Egyptian equivalent of prana or chi. Seichem originates from the same source as Reiki which encourages a faster and more dramatic healing. Seichem also includes Psychic Surgery and other powerful techniques, which help clear specific emotional, physical and mental blocks. Seichem practitioners facilitate the universal energy which is channelled into the recipient to initiate a deep healing.
Seichem is used to call in the energies of the four elements (Usui) Reiki connected to the Earth energy of the Earth, Sakara (Fire), Sophi-el (Water) and Angelic Light (Air/ Ether).
Together they work to activate a person’s innate healing resources to support healing of acute and chronic diseases as well as anxiety, fatigue, depression, stress and other symptoms that are produced by unbalanced thoughts, feelings and emotions. Symptoms addressed in the subtle levels of the body help to release energetic blocks and constrictions bringing opportunity for improved health.
Fire SAKARA energy work on the aura and burns and dissolves blockages, and the electromagnetic field surrounding your body. It burns through and dissolves blockages in the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies. In Aura Healing, two things are possible. Thought patterns in the aura can be released before they enter the physical; or thought patterns behind pain in the physical can be found, released and transformed in the aura.
energy washes away emotional blockages. It reaches deep within the emotional body to find the core, cause and effect of the disturbance. Sophi-el opens your heart to receive love and feel compassion – to be more gentle and patient with yourself and others. To be more open to giving and receiving love. In addition to emotional healing energy, Sophi-el enhances your psychic awareness.
is a two-fold ray working with both the element Air and the Angelic Realm. With Angeliclight, the healing facilitator is able to work effectively with Angels. Angeliclight acts like an Angel Magnet. Air expresses the qualities of communication. In healing the effectiveness of the Third Eye and Throat Chakras are increased dramatically. Air energy works on the mental and spiritual healing. It always means power in a spiritual sense.
Reiki is one of the four elemental rays which make up Seichem. It is fundamental to all the other elemental healing ‘rays’ as a light force. Seichem incorporates other etheric elements, and works on a much deeper level using the elemental force using the elements and etheric connections. Reiki is powerful but when used together with Seichem will transform the energy to make it even more intense for a deeper transformation and healing potential. Reiki anchors and grounds the healing vortex of the universal life force in the physical and subtle bodies and into the Earth. Reiki also assists in early stages of opening the doorway or portal to accessing the many levels of one’s higher nature.
Seichem dissolves barriers to the higher self, activates and strengthens the light body, and opens and enhances one’s connection to their angelic guides, the ascended masters and the Source of ALL LOVE.
Investment: £70 for an individual treatment
1:1 Private Healing Sessions (leave 90mins per session)
healing with Reiki & Seichem energies and Psychic Surgery (please specify which energy healing you are guided to receive when booking)
spiritual guidance and support to help with your symptoms, mentally, emotionally and physically
cleansing and energy clearance with focus on spiritual clearance which ultimately effects your entire body and how you are feeling
It is important to remember that this is not a replacement for medical surgery or medical treatment.
Reasons to receive a Seichem treatment:
release lower dense vibrational energies
heal family and ancestral karmic patterns
help addictions and dependencies
help release karmic cords and trauma /attachments
releases energies that are leading to anxiety and depression
helps release old soul contracts and clarify / improve your inner self dialogue and external communication of self
help to release and heal Karma
helps to reactivate healthy energy and cell communication
assists with the understanding and development of your soul purpose
supports emotional stability and a greater self-esteem
enhances communication with spiritual guides
you will also benefit from healing of Reiki please go to Reiki page for more details
Ciara is available by Phone, Zoom or Facetime. All are equally a great way to connect. You can contact by phone at +44 73991 83954 or email to ciara@ciaramchugh.com to schedule your session. Once appointment is made please make payment through Revolut @ciaramchealer in order to hold appointment.
A course of treatments is how you truly experience the deep benefits of these healings.
Why a course of treatments are powerful and beneficial?
An individual healing is powerful and very healing. However, it is recommended that you receive a course of treatments, a course of 4 treatments in general is recommended, but this varies depending on your symptoms or reasons for the healing. How many sessions you need is best discussed and arranged after your first healing. Every persons own healing journey is different and where they are in their capacity to receive the healing at whatever layer it goes to. I will guide you, as it is important that you are guided if further healing is beneficial for you. This is important to note because often a person feels incredibly relieved, calmer and happier after a healing but depending on what you are seeking healing for, you need to support healing at the deepest level and why a course is recommended. In general, a person senses some sensations and shifts but trusting in the healing is important no matter what you feel be that nothing or a lot. It is done in layers to be safe, so you can go to where you have the capacity to feel and heal. This is generally facilitated in a course of treatments not just one or two. It is always at the clients discretion to receive another healing. In general the time-line between each treatment is 2-4 weeks, as each energy treatment enhances the frequency for healing. This is also why booking a course within the guided time period is also advised. Whilst it is absolutely ok to book later than 4 weeks please know there is great power in remaining in the frequency of timing in between each healing.
Healing can be a regular treatment or received when you feel you need it. It’s highly beneficial and recommended to receive a course of 4 treatments. I guide my clients after their 1st session and after each session, carefully looking at their needs to help them.
Often healing is powerful at very challenging times (body, mind and soul) and one healing can make an incredible difference to how you are feeling. Sometimes only one healing is needed. It is best to ask and discuss this. Healing can happen in layers, again depending on the individual, so to ensure you have received the healing at the deepest level it is best to discuss with the practitioner your needs.
How many healings an individual needs, is always different and unique. It’s good to work with the energies to receive what you need and ask your practitioner for guidance on this. This can be discussed further in a session or call.
I generally recommend a course of healing. Please see my healings packages for more info. Some people with an acute condition may notice lasting improvements after only one or two treatments. With each treatment you feel a different level of healing and helps to heal to a deeper level.
It is usually advised to have a treatment every 14-21days for the energy to build up in the system. This is different for each person and modality used and is discussed throughout course of treatment.
It is highly advisable to finish your recommended course of treatment as guided. Like another other form of treatment or therapy it is a process or path and each treatment has it’s own uniqueness and need for your healing journey.
Investment: £240 for a course of 4 treatments