Feel supported,
held & welcomed

to honour your feelings and whole self to bring around the energetic transformation you need to be able to feel well and to move forward in your life in balance and harmony

I’m Ciara, an Energy Healer, Irish Celtic Shamanic Therapist & Counsellor & modern day Healing Priestess…

who loves to weave what you need in your life to help you heal and bring about transformation. My speciality therapies include Angelic therapies, Reiki, Rahanni, Irish Celtic Shamanic healing and counselling. I love to provide healing and guidance to help you live well and embrace your innate power and freedom.

Here's how we can work together:

Would you like to work with Ciara?

You are very welcome to book in a discovery chat with me if you’d like to discuss how to proceed on your healing journey.

My Services and Live Events pages offer you a read and feel for what may be best for you to move forward.

Upcoming events

This is the collection of my in person Sacred Services

For more information on all a course, group or workshop, scroll through the calendar or click the button below.

  • “I genuinely don’t know how I would have dealt with the last two years if it wasn’t for your guidance and meditation. It has, without a doubt, re-shaped everything I do in my normal life (Cheesy but completely true!) and made moments of stress and tension a lot more manageable. I didn’t realise how much I needed to slow down, and meditation has taught me to be kind to myself, take time to appreciate the small things I have and to be happy with the fact that I can’t control everything in life. It is still new to me but I am enjoying practicing each day, and I look forward to seeing where it brings me in life.”

    — Sarah

  • “I cannot recommend Ciara highly enough. I began my journey 2 years ago… with a little hesitation, I participated in 6 weeks of guided healing meditations one night a week. I haven’t looked back since… then during a difficult period of my life I went to Ciara for one to one healing and that is when the most significant shift happened. A period of deep personal reflection occurred as a result and I can honestly say I feel like a new person. I don’t feel I have ever felt this level of contentment and I am adamant I am not letting it go.”

    — Aislin

  • “Ciara has such a wonderful intuitive energy, her compassion and non-judgemental presence makes you feel at ease and held in a safe healing environment. I have been to see Ciara for healings and recently attended the Energy Workshop, the workshop was an amazing experience and very informative and I came away with fresh knowledge and a new perspective on energy. Ciara has guided my own healing and I would have zero hesitation in recommending either healing or workshops, both are so powerful."

    — Roisin

  • “I thoroughly enjoyed the healing course especially the meditation sessions. The group really interacted well and I felt I got great healing and knowledge from the workshop. That’s my second workshop with you and they were both superb”

    — Brenda

  • “I was fortunate to come across & attend one of Ciara’s workshops. Having never attended something like this, I felt a little apprehensive, however this eased upon meeting Ciara. The room (and Ciara!) felt so welcoming, I relaxed & allowed the day to be about ME… Ciara was very reassuring throughout the day to do whatever felt comfortable. It was a positive, healing day surrounded by like minded supportive women! Looking forward to the next one…”

    — AnnMarie

  • “I attended one of Ciara’s workshops recently and I highly recommend it!!! Ciara is such an amazing lady with a beautiful presence about her and instantly makes you feel at ease. I experienced so much inner peace and calmness of body and mind in that one day with her and felt so inspired and rejuvenated for days afterwards. Looking forward to seeing you again Ciara in the near future ”

    — Sinead

  • “I found Ciara’s Guided Healing Meditations so powerful. In the midst of a busy life full of worries and stresses, Ciara provides this opportunity to tap into the healing energy that restores the calm and brings the balance back for me. They have allowed me to seek true clarity on decisions which I have previously struggled with. There is something magical about the healing space that Ciara hosts the sessions in and I feel blessed that I have been able to begin my healing journey there and to have Ciara as my guide for this. Thank you”

    — Sarah

  • “I really enjoyed visualising myself in nature, coming up with intentions and action points…The practise really made me feel acceptance for a few things that have been out of my control… Overall, I felt very positive and would love to do it again. I am loving building a routine around the moon, hearing about its effect on us and seeing how it links into my life. My first zoom ceremony was great. Was expecting it to feel a little less personal than in person, but it really wasn’t. Loved being able to light my candles and wear my pyjamas!”

    — Erin

  • “I was genuinely sceptical about an online mediation class/session, having taken part, hands down for me it was the surprise of how truly unreal it was. It was beautiful, calm and you genuinely felt the nice energy from everyone no judging or labelling. It has been one of the nicest experiences I’ve ever had. Most importantly it worked. I truly was emerged in the meditation. What stood out was the short period of meditation and then writing answers to the questions and writing your intentions…I loved the entire process”

    — Maria

  • “I loved that it was a large group actually, it felt like there was a great combined energy. Having the time before to consider questions really helps me… Oh and I loved the dancing!! I feel that it’s a safe space, totally relaxed and I really trust in the process – I think you know your stuff and I like that we are in very safe hands I return because it works for me, I feel that it is a very positive thing to do and I feel good about myself that I am working on myself and my intentions – feels like I grow each time”

    — Nic

  • “I feel very safe and protected in your sacred space, there’s no judgement and no pressure. I feel the practices and meditations are unique, deeply reflective and comforting. I would love to journey with them some more. I always feel better after the moon ceremony and meditations and after I’m more connected with my true self”.

    — Siobhan

  • “The room was instantly calming and so welcoming; the lighting, the music, the beautiful alter and your warm embrace made me feel at home right away. It was honestly like meeting an old friend. I found the day very helpful even though I wasn’t sure what exactly I needed help with… meditations / visualisations were fascinating and the card reading really interesting… it really felt like something had shifted for me and I had an increased sense of knowing / confidence / peace. Thanks for creating such an uplifting, nourishing day.”

    — Amanda