Ciara McHugh | Healer & Coach

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What does the New Age of Aquarius mean?

We have entered the Age of Aquarius and the portal is coming fast! Humanity is going through a monumental passage of change – a prophesied Golden Age that’s kicking off with an extended detox and this is why so many people are spiritually awakening and the destruction of the old is in chaos.

There have been 5 golden ages since the birth of our planet and this is the 6th and known as the Golden Age of Aquarius. It is a wonderfully flourishing period of peace, harmony, stability, prosperity and a move towards equality for all.

The transition started at the Cosmic Moment, 21 December 2012, which was the end of the 26,000 year long era. In 2014 the planet moved into the 4th Dimension as the frequency began to rise.

Some believe that by 2032 we will have all entered into the new fifth-dimensional Golden Age.

It is important to remember we all have Free Will and some we know may not choose this path.

We have now entered into this energy and Pluto is in Aquarius 2024-2044 (a little dip out 2nd Sep-19th November and) fully from November 2024. Evolution will move so quickly, none of us has ever experienced this before, it can be hard to imagine what may be. This is a shift of power to the people.

Our journey to get here is full of choice, a discovery of new capacities, new sources of information and solutions, shifts/collapses/death of old ways that are not working at the 5D level. All of humanity is now closer than ever energetically though the heart field than we have been in thousands of years. A new way of being and living is birthing.

The collective shadow is surfacing to be healed. Each one of us has a contribution. We all have choice or not to heal and regenerate with this energy. This is no longer a time of ‘I’ but ‘WE’. A time of opinions, grievances, materialism and self-centred ambitions that are no longer appropriate will be challenged. It is a conscious shift from fear to LOVE.

This shift has been excruciating for many who have experienced their dark night of the soul and many will go through it. The death of the old age and what is being thrown at us thick and fast can potentially stress our nervous system. How you care for your energy is more than ever crucial to your well-being and where you will live out this Age through fate or destiny. This is a spiritual rebirth and to be reborn we will experience shamanic deaths in our lifetimes. This year (2024) as we move through these last days of Capricorn anything that is not for our highest good or is corrupt will continue to collapse. Truths, revolution, demolition of the old order, shattering systems and the lower dense energies are being taken away and there is a focus on the new. But as you may be aware the old order are fighting back and are challenging this. As the Light increases fear is heightened on their end. This may well increase this year and get louder and faster throwing at us what they can to stop us. Stay focused, grounded and heart-centred (values listed below to help). It may be why on a personal level you can feel this. You may have awakened or on the journey of your spiritual awakening and that can be a hard place to be as truths are revealed and the world you once knew looks very different as veils of illusion and amnesia dissolve. This is the healing and for many shamanic ego deaths will be experienced and many dark nights of the soul lived. This is to allow you to rebirth. And know that you absolutely can.

This is also why the Divine Feminine is risen and is rising. The old age was controlled by ego and wounded patriarchy and the return of feminine energy is bringing back balance because to feel balance and harmony is to have a sacred masculine and feminine. It is imperative to living in peace, contentment, love and a sense of safety and freedom for all. Goddess Kali came with her fierce love. Many other powerful Goddess energies, Ascended Masters and Angels help also. Where once men only were revered women are also for example Brigid’s Day becoming a National Holiday in Ireland. Women are rising.

Aquarius energy can inspire, enlighten and expand, your thoughts and horizons. Allow yourself to get on your eagles perch and see life through a higher perspective.

Aquarius is the sign of freedom, the people, humanitarianism, truth, higher mind thinking.

This Age has the potential to take humanity to previously unexplored heights.

3D ⇾  4D ⇾ 5D

5th Dimensional Frequency ~ Consciousness Heart-Centred living also known as Christ Consciousness. This is said to be the frequency of the New Age.

Dimensions are a set range of vibration within which energy exists.

Living from 3D Consciousness is very much a physical sate; considered lower denser energy; ego; separateness; wounded masculine and feminine; wounded patriarchy rule; fear; our school of learning The laws of cause and effect (karma) apply as well as the unique aspect of polarity (light and dark) that we have become accustomed to.

Living from 4D Consciousness is the gateway to the fifth dimension; the awakening thought space and where you learn how to truly care for yourself; your sixth sense perception is heightened; and you learn to give and receive more compassion.

 Living 5D Consciousness is a state of higher vibration; where we know and live as One, an ancient knowing and way of living that we are connectedness to all that is to each other, and all sentient beings, nature, the stars and beyond. Life is about growth, experiences, and living heart-centred.

All the elements support this time, as always in life. But this Age is strongly influenced by 🜄 WATER 🜄 healing waters, sacred wells, flowing rivers, rich salty oceans, moon light seas, cool streams, sunny and warm seas, clean reservoirs, cleansing rain water, cool snow, growing gullies, natural lakes, native loughs. The water we absorb into our bodies (that are formed of approximately 60% water as adults, 80% when born) will be especially important to support the Light we are absorbing into our energy bodies. This Light is a spiritual light that upgrades our bodies at a cellular, in the same way that healing happens. We know this is happening as the solar flares pour on to our earth, the magnetic shields have dropped around the sun and earth. Water will also be needed to help us integrate this down-pouring for our energetic upgrades into our light-bodies and to keep us grounded working with 🜃 EARTH energy 🜃 (do not underestimate the need to ground and increase any practices or ways that you need to do this especially this year 2024)! As the old age (of wounded patriarchy) collapses in chaos 🜂 FIRE 🜂 is enabling, and supporting, what is happening. Some of this is hard to watch, witness and be part of. So, 🜄 WATER 🜄 is needed to cool this destruction down, when the shamanic deaths happening both individually and collectively during this process of rebirth into the New Age.

Oh, and before you ask, yes Aquarius is an 🜁 AIR 🜁 sign and why this is a time of innovation in the airways and science - new ways to travel, new internets, new spiritual technologies, new communication devices. This has the potential for a wonderful time of expansion and growth for highest good of all, but, you must also consider what information is being communicated and carried across the airways. How are you discerning what you are being told and listening? How are you discerning the truth? How are you returning to your heart centre, the chakra at the centre of your being that pumps blood into your airways?

Devotion will help to keep you focused. And remembering the 5D Values and aligning your life and personal values with this Age.

Living 5D Values

Love, Joy, Peace, Compassion, Bliss, Gratitude, Equality, Fairness, Integrity, Unity Consciousness, Living from a place of authenticity, Empowerment You feel, Freedom, Abundance.

Living Forgiveness, non-judgment, no competition, you understand your purpose, truth, intuitive living; and connected to angelic beings, celestial beings, unicorns, stars.

This is not a better way of being, if you choose, it’s your soul journey and if someone else does not that is their choice. Not everyone will choose. If you in a relationship with anyone who is not choosing the 5D consciousness path you may have to just look at how you will manage it, from a 5D perspective of-course which will not necessarily be easy but like every practice we choose we will only be in that state of being if we practice it, and keep returning through devotion to how we want to feel and embody.

To learn more keep in touch and find out when my next 5D Consciousness workshop is.