Stop the Glorification of Busy Today

We are living in a fast moving world where being busy somehow is a sign to some that we are more successful, popular or stressed than others. We need to Stop the Glorification of Busy, it is unhealthy, putting way too many demands on ourselves and is egotistical. I used to suffer from the “I’m so busy” addiction. I thought it was cool 😎 made me look 👀 like my life was more full, and I was achieving because of it. Or helped the world see just how busy I was so that they could understand me better. But you know what that was all b******!!! And it burnt me out. So I set out to Stop the Glorification of Busy.

What’s so cool 😎 about feeing constantly exhausted 😩? About not sleeping 😴 enough? Feeling that you never having enough time ⏱ to do all the things you’d need to or would like to do? Feeling guilty all the time because you are not spending enough time with friends or family? Boosting that you are so busy when you feel like you could collapse at any time or break down and cry 😢? Thinking 🤔 that not having enough down time is ok 👌🏼? Working so hard all the time you are not playing? Working hard and playing hard you are burnt out? Not really having quality time because in the back of your mind your thinking of the next place you need to be? or what's on your list to do?Ok 👌🏼 so you get the picture I’m trying to paint 🎨 here?!

You really do need to slow down, take time out, time off and chill. Do nothing. Rejuvenate. Sleep. Disconnect. Heal. Say no. Hibernate. These are all ok 👌🏼 .It does not mean you are not successful in life it means you are more because you are taking back charge of you and when that happens you will have more energy, feel happier, have more clarity and focus and feel like you can take on the world.

Don’t let anyone make you feel like you must be busy all the time to be successful. Don't let anyone feel that you are too busy for them. We are all doing the best we can. Show yourself self-compassion. The hardest part can be you, changing your, mindset too 😘. But you can. We can all make changes to make life easier. The first might even be to start with eliminating "I am so busy" from your vocabulary.

Remember it is crucial to stop ✋ and do nothing the only thing we all need to stop ✋ is the glorification of busy.If you would like to discuss this with me or work with me to help you make the changes needed I would be happy to support.

Please contact me below or at

Blessings of light

Ciara x 💜💕🌟 


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