Social Media time out … (detox)

Some years ago with the introduction of Instagram, I knew I had to set stronger energetic boundaries around my social media usage. Facebook had become somewhat ‘boring’ as people started to post less photos - remember that?! Then along came Instagram, and filters, and quotes, and I loved it! But I started to check it first thing in the morning and last thing at night in bed. Then came the constant checking throughout the day, so I had to do something about it. I committed to no phone in my bedroom; no social media after 9pm or before 8am, that did then change to 9am. This was about 5years ago and it has made a huge difference to my energy and how I feel. This has come with challenges over the last few years as I use social media mainly for my business connections and marketing, and it is why at times like Christmas or hols and weekends throughout the year I turn it off completely. To be clear it is lack of my discipline as to why it effects me. I go in check a message and before I know it I can have scrolled for 20-30mins. Does that sound familiar?

Energetically I know holding a wifi infused phone with radars to millions of people in the world in my hand is not good for me on a constant stream. It’s also why I’ll personally never attach that same frequency on my arm in the form of a watch. The energy of social media, bluetooth, wifi is draining, manipulating, toxic. No matter how much we try to protect ourselves. We are so early days into the use of mobiles and we are constantly using them that much more research will come out to the damaging side effects but energetically I already know. I feel it in myself and in my clients. Too much time on my mobile and my left side (I’m right handed but hold phone mostly in left hand) and I get frozen shoulder and arms and pins and needles; I know I’ve spent too much wifi when I get a pain and feel dizzy around my third eye (our invisible eye between our 2 physical eyes). This is a massive sign to shut down and get grounded!

The main ways time out of social media effects me for the better is I am more focused; less scattered; more present and grounded; hopefully not as rude - as checking your phone in conversations or when having a meal is said to be a sign to others present you’re less interested in them (it’s also very hard to maintain a present conversation when someone is on their phone); I have more time to do other things like write a blog though this is where I need to mention how writing captions on my social posts is something I love to do and that also allows my creativity to rise and shine; like I’ve more time on my hands. If I spend on average 2-3hours a week on social media what else could I be doing that is more productive and creative? Do you know how long you are spending?

Can I also just mention again how I love social media. I mostly only see what I allow. I’ve filtered who I follow and rarely experience negativity or see anything I wish I hadn’t. My algorithm knows what I want to see, and provides that in abundance for the good and the temptation so that is what I have to be aware of. But F.O.M.O. is a modern day epidemic and so much is marketing and the behind the scenes is the reason so many people think someone else’s life is more perfect than their own. I know that is not the truth, I know it’s easier for the majority of people to share the fun, joy, holidays, and good times … but not everyone finds this easy to filter and it can cause judgement of self and others that is another layer. More than anything for me I have made beautiful, healthy connections with other people that without social media I may never have met, for that I am greatly grateful. When I take time off it’s this I miss the most. I have learnt and been able to grow with what others share and it’s helped me tremendously especially in the early days. The worldwide connections and ability to communicate with other like-minded and hearted people has opened me to groups, learning and soulful meaning. So these are reasons why I won’t be going off forever!

It’s important to know that the amount someone posts is not a clear indication to anyone how often they spend on social media. Whilst it might the case for some, most people hide behind the non-posting and are in denial how often they are scrolling and checking in the apps. I hear it a lot, someone tells me that they’re not posting but they’re constantly scrolling and the thought of not being on an app just can’t happen! but how they describe they usage and how they feel does not energetically match - they show signs of stress, over-thinking, worry, anxiety, F.O.M.O. It takes me seconds to share a story on Instagram and often when I am doing so, I am in and out of the app because I have an intention behind what I’m doing. Imagine if you shared something every time you were on social media?!

When I am in a healing session with someone I am able to feel how grounded or grounded they feel. Often this can be an indication or confirms their social media usage. In some it’s an addiction. What I know for sure is that the peace, calm, contentment and the need for time you seek is in the limiting habit you have around your social media usage!

On the New Moon in Sagittarius on the 12th December 2023 I will begin my descent into semi-hibernation in alignment with the Winter Solstice. I go off all social media every Christmas for 21days. All apps are deleted from my phone and I also do not go into any DM's or messenger services. My date to return is 4th January 2024! This allows me the clear headspace and freedom to fully immerse myself in the energies on the light returning and Christmas spirit. I love social media and can say I use it very positively and mindfully - until I check a message and start mindlessly scrolling, so that is why I'm allowing myself a rest from it for a while to reset and recalibrate my boundaries. 

I will be on hols from 21st December so I am still contactable on email or by phone between 12th-20th December. (And of-course I will be doing 1:1 healing sessions which is the core of my healing work until Wednesday 20th December.) If you haven't tried it let me tell you I find it liberating and energy clearing for this Christmas time is hectic enough. 


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