My love for Mary Magdalene

I have spoken many times before but my own curiosity as to where the women were in the bible? As a young girl growing up the imbalance of the man and woman in power and at the head of creation did not sit with me. I intuitively felt the sisters were being left out for a reason, I felt their absence in the words being taught and stories told. I felt spiritual and connection to the Divine and sacred spaces, I found peace and connection in certain places and around certain religious people but yet I felt somewhat rebellious inside and a misfit for not believing the whole truth of what I was being told and part of. As a teenage vegetarian in the early 90’s I was told by many I was mad, different, etc I felt very alone and guess in many ways (due to other mystical experiences) I was spiritually awakening but I did not know where to turn then.

This was until my early 30’s when life was good and I began the journey of self-discovery and healing and I realised that my wounded masculine was also a collective woundedness and part of that was the missing power, in the story I was told, of the sacred feminine. And along that road came Instagram and that opened me to a world of teachers I just could not reach before. And I began a quest of healing and blessings my wounded masculine and feminine and a much needed call for the Goddess and divine mother and feminine energies in my life. This is was a huge missing part of me i called back home. This was soul work. This was soul retrieval. And along the way I met Mary Magdalene as one of my main guides and healers and her true story turned my world upside down for the better.

When I found Meggan Watterson I found someone who was devoted to her and the truth through her gospels to help me reconnect.

I’ve tried to learn (and relearn) as much of her story. I am a member of Meggan Watterson’s House of Mary Magdalene where we meet once a month for a teaching, sermon, soul-led meditation and share. Meggan is a scholar of Mary Magdalene and she deeply inspires my curiosity and wonder of the role of the priestess and the divine feminine in history and their presence in the holy and mystical teachings and how they have and continue to shape, hold space and healing. The divine feminine is much of the co-creation of all things sacred as the divine masculine and that was the issue from a young girl reading the bible in school and at mass that I was not able to get my head around because my heart kept telling me this was not the full truth. For I did not learn to any great extent about the power of the divine feminine and priestesses like Mary Magdalene as a young child, it took me to my 30’s to really get there. In school the story I was told was she was a prostitute, no explanation, as children we were just meant to know what that was, and as innocent as I was back then I knew as did everyone else … because it was a story that was drilled into our DNA, our family lineage and religious belief system. Until I finally was able to awaken and learn the story told from the time she was love not retold and manipulated stories and texts written 300-500 years after she walked this earth physically. Pope Gregory I first pronounced her a “sinful woman” in the year 591, defying evidence to the contrary in the canonical Gospels.

Thankfully in In 2016, Pope Francis raised the level of liturgical memory on July 22 from memorial to feast, and for her to be referred to as the and as she was the witness of the risen Christ was called the "Apostle of the apostles" which was being talked about since 1969 so why was I and others taught differently?

Oh and her gospel and first fragments were only discovered in 1896, and other missing texts found later, and not published until 1945, so we are still learning from her. This is still so new. Yet our inner knowing remembers so much of her.

I’m realising that the answer to the question is the wounded patriarchy and need for control and power over women. It’s also in part because a story was told for 2000 years and for some that can take time to change and integrate but I wonder why more of a big deal was not made about it, especially by women? But I do honour that I am trusting my heart and relearning, some of the teachings and beliefs moulded me as a child and are innate in the family and lineage. I am not against all of it but I am honouring what I believe because it is the truth in my heart. Oh, you want to know what is my truth? It is that we are All One, in communion with all of nature, including equality for feminine and masculine, Goddess and God, an essence of Great Spirit.

Part of my own healing journey has been to lean into the why the truth was manipulated or untold? I’ve moved through the unravelling and the stories of how she was sinful or possessed - this is not the truth and through her gospel and the gospels of others see and know the truth in her Seven Powers of the Ego (Darkness, Clinging, Ignorance, Excess, Forgetting, The Body, Rage). I now love and appreciate Mary and Jesus Christs’ relationship and all they brought in their beautiful teachings of healing, freedom, soul connection, forgiveness. Along with Mother Mary, I see and hold them as a trinity, a powerful healing team of Ascended Masters, Divine Mother and Feminine guides and Goddess energies.

In my healings she comes in many forms and messages - to remember “I am worthy”; in the essence of a dove and her connection to the feminine Holy Spirit and Shekinah; deep trusting in the intuitive and inner voice; to see from the spiritual eye of the heart and this can help us become a bridge between worlds; anointing chakras and wounds with sacred oils; cleansing waters often with Mother Mary and alabaster jugs; when Angels appear remembering we are never alone and love is always present; when we need to enter the cave and darkness to heal; releasing ego and ego-deaths; when golden halos appear; red roses; when healing wounded masculine and feminine; remembering we are souls in a physical body.

“Mary in her essence is the dove, because she could perceive Christ from within her, she could hear the language of her own heart, her own body. The dove reminds us to listen to the affirmations the body gives us, all throughout the day, about what’s most true for us, about what resonates,a nd about how to be led from within. The dow is about listneing inwardly to those disctrete sensations that can’t be validated from anyone outside of us, tbu that we just know, because we sense what’s true. And because we trust this beloved body. We trust what spirit tells us, miraculously in the hidden places, the secret places of our own heart” THE DOVE CARD FROM THE MARY MAGDALENE ORACLE - SPIRIT SPEAKS THROUGH THE BODY

The Red Thread I wear is a remembering of Mary Magdalene and the divine feminine within us that receives spirit from within and the Good within ourselves and each other. I never take it off. It’s a forever flow of re-remembering when I see it and a connection of heart-centred love energy. I remember in throughout my day and the biggest feels for me in that is that I am never alone.

She has healed me. She heals with me. I am healing with her. Together and always. And so it is.

My love

Ciara ❤️🌹


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