Integrity is always the best choice

I always think Sunday's are a great 😊 time for reflection.

The same thought today kept coming into my mind - how blessed I am that I had support and time to think about my values and how important integrity is to me.

I believe that if we should treat everyone kindly, equally, with compassion and how you would want to be treated. Therefore, you will feel great, no 1 but attract the same, no 2.

There are, of course, are times that we feel the way we are treated is not returned in the same way or we are simply not treated in the same way. That is when our values are tested the most.

Sometimes we are tested, not to show our weaknesses but to discover our strengths.

However, when we identify our values and stay true to them, no one tell you to do something you are not comfortable with.

That is also why I am grateful that at the core of my values is treating people with kindness and compassion, and neither can be comprised.

The show of kindness may be as simple and free as a smile, or a gesture that is obvious, but I will always treat others with respect and never ignore anyone because someone else thinks I should. That's basically my main point of reflection today. Every human being deserves respect.

The reason why I choose the photo


Below is a bit of fun, nothing bad at all. It was Saturday in Knowth (beside Newgrange), when I was told I could walk through a passage way to the other side but for as much as I wanted to I knew my (slight) claustophobia was yelling no.


 And I knew that I stick to what I know best and have fun took a photo instead. I did no harm and had fun.

Love & light

Ciara x 💜💕🌟


How sport can connect us to a community


My Daily Practice & Intention of Gratitude