Gratitude Practice with Healing Sound
Gratitude is a 5D virtue.
Gratitude Practice is a gateway to higher vibrational frequency, an energy that builds with consciousness around your heart that fills up every part of you and helps to dissolve any vibration lower than love.
It is not to be used as a tool to spiritual bypass. But a tool to lift you, love you, nurture so that in your day you see, acknowledge, feel and express it.
Gratitude practice is consciousness.
It’s about saying thank you when you receive (everything), appreciating what you have and being grateful for all that is sent you way.
But a conscious practice is giving it time. The meditation is like keeping a gratitude journal. The grateful moments thereafter keep the frequency rising and constant.
This is a gratitude meditation I recorded many moons ago.
There’s an added piece at the end of meditation that you may notice was recorded differently. But it helps you bring the frequency into your day. It’s why I’ve not shared before, I was probably concerned with perfection due to some ‘mistakes’, but today I am not. I want to share this with you.
Download the meditation and play the recommended music along side it.
The healing music to accompany the meditation is a healing frequency 528 Hz. This is a divine harmony sung by Beautiful Chorus. "Faith's Hymn" will take you to a place of deep inner peace, stillness, and serenity, and can serve to connect you to the Spirit and greater forces of the Earth.
Beautiful Chorus - Faith’s Hymn (on repeat 3 times, if you press play and then choose ‘Add to Queue’ twice and you will have the music running to accompany the healing gratitude meditation. You will need to do on laptop to run both at same time, or use two devices.
I am grateful for the medicine gratitude has showed. I’m grateful you’re reading this and receiving this guidance.
Ciara 💖
PS today this has been inspired by my soul sister Sinead, thank you, thank you, thank you.