Ciara McHugh | Healer & Coach

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Jupiter Uranus Conjunction in Taurus ...

Jupiter Uranus Conjunction in Taurus ...

Jupiter is higher consciousness; wisdom; the opportunist, adventurer, explorer; always wanting new ground.

Uranus is the higher divine mind, the outsider, maverick, innovative, supports uniqueness and confident with it, the unexpected like brings bolts of lightning and electricity (stay grounded with the earth energy 'Taurus'), youthful, truth, justice, helps us break out of limiting beliefs.

Together they help us activate new fifth dimensional ways of being that are heart-centred. This is more of the sacred feminine energies to bring the sacred masculine back into balance.

They are both about the future and our future visions, the planets of stepping forward into freedom and that can bring revolution energy with it. This about giving the power back to the people. This is exciting energy and can be very positive. New technologies and inventions, healing sciences and financial systems give birth under this energy. But with potential for them fighting against one another lets choose to move forward with it well.

Aquarius + Uranus bring greater equality 'unity consciousness' and we need more of this yes, please and thank you. Pray Peace. And we will be, because this age of Aquarius is about the collective and freedom for all, as the old wounded patriarchy push even harder to stop it we will continue to feel the energy for all and do what we can for freedom for all those suffering. And why we call Goddess Kwan Yin this weekend also. Aquarius + Uranus fight against top down and elitism and this can awaken many into activism. 

Healing is not linear.

We must remember the importance of healing our shadow; letting go of old ways and limiting beliefs; the focus on freedom not unequal rights; cutting through illusions (we will talk about the removal of veils of amnesia); what wisdom have we learnt from the Age of Pisces; revealing the truth; reframing fears. 

What is the energy you need to help you?

These are some of the reasons why stepping into healing space this weekend to meditate and reflect will be powerful. The focus on spiritual practice and intention is what supports us now as we drop into stillness and connect to our heart-centres to come back into balance and harmony. This is the medicine of my healing space and you can be a part of it too.

To join in 5D Consciousness Healing Meditations more info here